United Martial Arts Center Community Service
The Benefits of Martial Arts for Children in Schools Presented By: Grand Master Noah GuakFive Aims of Ko Am Mu Do
The United Martial Arts Center lays the foundation for the HUMAN EDUCATION. Our goal is to transform everyday children into extraordinary leaders by motivating them to achieve EXCELLENCE through PERSISTENCE and SELF-DISCIPLINEinstilling a RESPECT for their autority and imparting the CONFIDENCE to live a life of INTEGRITY while experiencing the joy of discovering their unique CREATIVITY.How the Programs Work at Your School
- Ko Am Mu Do Instructors work closely with teachers and school staff to endure the individual needs of each student are being met. - Teachers give weekly reports to the instructor to make sure that students are practicing the Five Aims outside of the class. - Students begin to develop a sense of community within the school and learn to work together as a team. They are taught that you are a Ko Am Mu Do student in and outside of the class. The same principals should be followed in all aspects of theirs lives. - Although Ko Am Mu Do is a system of self defense, it is much more than physical training. With this program children will learn self confidence, respect and a new way of becoming physically fit - Students will be taught to use their minds to avoid bullying and conflicts whenever possible. They will learn that avoiding conflict is not a sign of a coward, it is a sign of wisdom.Sample Curriculum
- Avoiding Bullies - Sabanchuk (Self Defense Form) - Basic Blocking, Punching & Kicking - Counting from 1 to 10 in Korean - Board Breaking - Self Defense techniques - Stranger Danger defenceA Proven Program
- This is a proven program that is used in Fort Myers, Florida, Springfield and Chicopee, Massachusetts, St. Louis, Missouri, Durham, North Carolina, California and Washington public schools. We are the only school in Florida teaching this program and have been teaching the program since 2010. The school principals and PE teachers love it and recommend it highly, because it works! - This program has also proven that it can increase academic grades in school, increase testing scores, reduces behvioral problem and develop goal-setting strategies that will help students to succeed for the rest of their lives.Benefits to the School
1. Responsibility. If the students do not do their homework for their teachers they will not be able to participate in class. This program gives them extra incentive to do well in school2. Discipline. We will teach them to develop and improve listening and behavior skills which will in turn lead them to lesten, follow directions and behave better for parents and teachers.
3. Better Focus. This will lead to more productive students in the classroom and has been proven to improve test grades.
4. Innovation. A new type of physical training. This is a great sport for children that do not excel in other sports. Most children do not get the opportunity to participate in this activity.
5. Teamwork. This activity creates a team unity with the students involved. This will lead to a happier more energetic class.
Benefits to Students
1. Great for students that are not good at team sports 2. Good for students with ADD or ADHD learning disabilities - Correct ways to breathe - Balance - Weight Loss - Flexibility - Coordination - Self Control - Self Defense - Learn to finish what they begin - Build Self Esteem - Become more emotionally stable - Confidense in oneself - Team Unity - Reduce Anxiety - Turn around negative attitudes and make them more positive. - Get to train in a real martial arts uniform donated by United Martial Arts Center so there is no cost to the student or parent and all students can participate. - Breaking boards builds skill and confidence that the student can carry over to other aspects of their lives. It perpetuates an "I can do it!" "I did it!" attitude. - An official certificate denoting the graduation from the program.See What Others Are Saying!
Testimonial#1 Testimonial#2Frequently Asked Questions
What is the fee? Absolutely no cost to the school or the students, now or ever.Will you teach the students how to fight? No, our focus with these classes is to help the students learn focus and concentration while building self confidence. This program focuses less on fighting skills and more on listening, manners and following directions. We promote non-violence and focus on defense from bullying.
Why does our school need this type of program? We volunteer our time and experience to help you teach the students discipline, self confidence, and respect for teachers, family and themselves. Our programs introduce martial arts instruction to all students at no cost because we believe that by enhancing these values it benefits the students in all other areas of their lives inside the school and out.
Will we really see positive results?These programs have become wildly popular all over the country because of the fantastic improvements in students academically, emotionally and physically. Ours is the only type of this program in this area and we have been seeing positive result all over the county.
How do I get my school started? Simply call us at 433-2299 or email us at umac2500@yahoo.com and we woiuld love to set up time for a 10 - 15 minute presentation at your school, at your convenience to explain more about how this program will work for you, your school and your students. We will answer any questions you may have all at no charge ever to you or your school. Remember You can call us at 433-2299 Or you can reach us through email at umac2500@yahoo.com