The Founding Grandmasters
of Ko Am Mu Do
Yung Ho Jun, 9th Dan
Jin Chung, 9th Dan
Noah Guak, 9th Dan
Jun Kim, 9th Dan
Ko Am Mu Do is the ONLY Martial Arts systems in history created together by 4 world famous and highly respected Korean Grand Masters. All four are 9th Dan (degree) Black Belts.
Each Grand Master is a respected and highly accomplished pillar of the Martial Arts global community and continues to make significant contributions.
However, together they have combined experience spanning more than 180 years of teaching, learning and training, and that’s just a start.
Ko Am Mu Do – 2000 Years of Martial Arts Tradition
There is also the culmination of their experience along with their teacher’s knowledge. Add to that more than 2000 years of direct Korean martial arts lineage, history and tradition.
In the East where Martial Arts were born, it is more important who your Instructors are and who their Instructors were than any certificate or rank.
Ko Am Mu Do teaches true Korean Martial Arts. It is the perfect blend of traditional and modern martial arts that easily accommodates all martial arts styles.
Ko Am Mu Do training is specifically designed for different ages, gender and physical attributes. It is the only Martial Art anyone will ever need.
Benefits of Ko Am Mu-Do
Our Ko Am Mu-Do curriculum is a scientifically and anecdotally proven program designed to increase a child’s self-confidence, esteem, focus, concentration, discipline, body coordination, and of course, ability for self-defense. Through strict goal-setting and hard-earned accomplishments, children become more self-confident, and, in turn, their self-esteem also gets a tremendous boost. We also use Positive Reinforcement to instill a sense of responsibility and discipline. Such benefits have irrefutably been shown to lead to greater focus and effort in school and better grades. These results are seen not only in school, but also at the home. Our students, who are taught to control their emotions and impulses, behave better at home, are more disciplined in homework and household chores, and become more amiable brothers and sisters. Overall, they grow tremendously as individuals because they progress at their own pace and not in comparison to others. Every one of our martial arts students is a winner, not a “bench sitter”.
In addition to stressing the core tenets of martial arts – focus, concentration, and discipline – our children’s martial arts curriculum encompasses kicking and punching techniques, body blocks, and grappling combinations, all of which improves reaction, balance, coordination and control.
The teenage years, for many, was and is the most important period in their lives. It is the fork in the road of life and taking the right path is crucial. Our Ko Am Mu-Do martial arts classes not only teach adolescents self-defense, but also gives them the opportunity to “burn off” excess emotional energy that could potentially evolve into antisocial behavior at school and at home.
Under supervision of the Grand Master and Masters, our adolescents are given opportunities to act as leaders through class instruction and mentoring of younger students. Our Grand Master, as well as our masters and instructors, serve as life-long mentors promoting and espousing morals and philosophies derived from Oriental and Confucian cultures. The tenets we emphasize for our adolescent students include modesty, respect, hard work, community service, leadership, and stoicism.
Our adolescent martial arts students, equipped with the essential characteristics to help them avoid bad situations, are better able to stay out of trouble and to become leaders of society. During these very important years of your child’s life, every part of their body, mind, and spirit is growing. Give them the structure and foundation with which they can navigate toward the right path.
The human body continually develops and maintains a balance of 4 channels of chi energy, which circulate throughout. Along these lines of circulation are 365 vital chi points, also known as pressure points. Our Ko Am Mu-Do system has integrated these chi points into our martial arts curriculum to develop, in essence, the most effective self-defense program in the world.
Ko Am Mu-Do will train you in Hap Ki Do (defense against grabs, chokes, etc), judo (throwing techniques), street grappling, advanced weapon defense, and devastating offensive techniques. Ko Am Mu-Do also trains you in a variety of weapons such as the nun-chuks, bo staff, the juk-do (bamboo sword), kum-do (Korean fencing), and the kum (real sword). This comprehensive system will enhance your mind and body, give you superior flexibility, balance, stamina, coordination, and strength.
Additionally, for those of you who are looking to get an intense calorie burning workout, you have come to the right place. Our Olympic Tae Kwon Do training, which involves kicking and punching drills, will whip you into shape in no time. Our Grand Master, a former Korean National and Bahrain National Team Head Coach, and Masters are the most experienced in this form of martial art in the United States.
Whether you looked us up to become the next Tae Kwon Do Champion, a Master in self-defense, or simply to lose weight and get in shape, we offer what you are looking for.
A Thought – A Goal – A Beginning
The Thought: “Something was missing…”
Many Grand Masters and masters of Tae Kwon Do were unhappy. Their martial art was accepted by millions of people, of all ages, all over the world. Competitors were plentiful coming from near and far. The art was thriving.
Many of the Grand Masters and masters in Korea had their own schools that taught only the sport and Olympic style of Tae Kwon Do. Everyday student learned the same thing and practiced the same thing. The cultural and traditional aspects of the martial art were becoming lost. The discipline was weakening.
Boredom set in quickly, and interest waned. The Grand Masters, masters, as well as the students, were not being challenged. What was wrong? The traditional and philosophical aspect of Tae Kwon Do was not being upheld.
The martial art of Tae Kwon Do was becoming too main-stream. Something was missing.
The Goal : “Develop a new Martial Art System”…
The Grand Masters strongly agreed to develop a system whose philosophies would be based on the historical principles of the art. It would stress inner peace, mental and physical strength, and harmony with others and society. The new system had to encompass breathing techniques and discipline while respect was to be emphasized. It also had to have practical self-defense techniques that flowed and would work in modern day martial arts schools. This was a big order. Cooperation and open minds were essential. After several years, four Grand Masters (Jin Chung, Jun Kim, Noah Guak, and Yung Ho Jun) from Florida had done it!
For the first time in the history of martial arts, a 37 video tape set encompassing white belt through 5th dan black belt curriculum was created. This system of traditional martial arts was recognized by the Kukkiwon (international headquarters of Tae Kwon Do) and asked for seminars to introduce it to the world of martial arts. The four founding Grand Masters hosted Ko Am Mu-Do seminars throughout Korea, and then throughout the world, with attendees in the thousands including world renown Grand Masters and instructors. Slowly but surely, the art of Ko Am Mu-Do began to spread into the world of martial arts.
The Beginning : “The Journey Begins”
The First Ko Am Mu-Do Martial Arts Seminar was held March 1997 in Ft. Myers, Florida. Over 120 masters, instructors and black belt students were introduced to the systems. They loved it.
Last September 27 through October 11, 1997, Grand Master Jin Chung and Grand Master Noah Guak traveled to South Korea to present Ko Am Mu Do demonstrations. The two Grand Masters participated in the grand opening of the Korean Tae Kwon Do Consultative Company as well as presenting exhibitions for Korean Masters and Grand Masters of Seoul, Sang Nam City, Keung Gi Providence, Tae Jun City, Tae Gu City, Pusan City, and Sok Cho Kanguin City. The demonstrations consisted of breathing and meditation techniques, grappling and grabbing, falling and rolling techniques, blocking, punching, and kicking techniques, combinations, joint locks, and the use of weapons. The program was received enthusiastically by the Grand Masters and masters, who were presented with a complete Ko Am Mu-Do curriculum including programs for adults and children. Certification for Ko Am Mu-Do is under the World Tae Kwon Do Federation, which operates in 135 different countries.
The South Korean Grand Masters and Masters were extremely receptive and enthusiastic about Ko Am Mu-Do. Grand Master Guak and Grand Master Chung told the masters that they had a tremendous responsibility. They had to be many things to the students: psychologist, teacher and family. They were important to the student, like a doctor. The student goes to a doctor if he is sick. The master had to try to prevent sickness.
What is Ko Am Mu-Do?
Ko Am Mu-Do is a modern Korean Martial Art which has taken 2000 years to evolve. It is a combination of several traditional Martial Arts such as Tae Kwon Do , Hap Ki Do, Jiu Jitsu and weapon techniques. It incorporates both mental and physical aspects, it teaches meditation, proper breathing, kicking and punching. It utilizes joint locking, pressure point strikes, rolling and grappling techniques and the use of weapons.
Ko is the mental aspect of the art. It means Heaven or Sky and refers to a person’s personal dreams, visions, and goals. It develops a students discipline, respect and patience. It encourages goal setting and allows a student to develop his own philosophy. More knowledge leads to higher goals. This relates to martial arts goals and your goals in life as well. Ko is represented by a circle and the color red, a symbol of positive energy.
Am means “rock mountain” or “earth” in Korean. This is symbolic in many ways. It is the persistence, strength, patience, and energy of the art. The student is determined to achieve his or her goals. Hard work, failing, and trying again is part of the plan. Through training and discipline they know they will reach their goals. As you need ambition, persistence, and determination to climb a mountain, so too to move through the ranks of white to black belts. As climbing one mountain leads to another, so does one belt level lead to another. As you gain experience from climbing a mountain, both good and bad, you gain experience from Ko Am Mu-Do. Nothing happens until you actually do something. This becomes the action philosophy of the martial arts. This action leads to more knowledge. As you gain more experience and knowledge, your goals get higher. This relates to your goals in life as well. The good experiences might be performing a good technique or form, or winning at sparring or at a competition. The bad experience might be an injury or an embarrassing moment. In any event you will gain experience and therefore be a better, stronger person. Respect the mountain, have patience and use your concentration and focus. This is how to climb the mountain and learn Ko Am Mu-Do as well.
Mu means Martial Art. It is the strength or power and the physical aspect of the art. You will develop accuracy, balance and coordination. You will increase your power and develop a good foundation to build upon with solid techniques. The experiences will lead to an increase in courage, self-confidence and self-esteem. The Mu is represented by a sphere and the color blue.
Do means “The Way” in Korean. It is the essence of the art. It is the philosophical way. It manifests after thorough training in the martial arts. The student practices, theorizes, and practices again. After much practice the student finds his own answers. The Do is the spirit with which the martial art student undertakes his journey. It becomes his or her way of life. It is represented by the triangle.
Studying Ko Am Mu-Do will give you many benefits. You will achieve mental benefits. You will learn discipline, respect, gain patience, confidence and self-esteem. You will earn to set and then reach your goals. The physical benefits are no less important. You will increase focus, concentration, balance and body coordination. You will kick, punch, and block with more power and strength. You will be more flexible (mentally and physically) and less prone to injury. Finally, with the benefits and experiences you will develop a philosophy and way of life. Your mental outlook as well as your body will improve. You will look and feel healthier. These are the benefits and goals of Ko Am Mu-Do.
For more information please visit www.KoAmMuDo.com.